כל המתפלל בעד חבירו הוא נענה תחילה

This Purim, Open the Gates of Yeshuos

All year round, Bonei Olam hosts some of  the largest Tefilla projects in the world.

This Purim, Bonei Olam is re-launching "Shealasi" an initiative that matches people davening for the same yeshuah, with each other, for heartfelt tefilla on one of the holiest (and busiest!) days of the year. Whether it's for shiduchim, having children, parnassa , or more, we will match you up with someone davening for the same yeshua and you will daven for each other.

On a day when the hours seem to slip by, grab the chance to daven for another yid who needs a yeshua. As you plead on their behalf, they'll be davening for you in a sign of achdus - the beauty and strength of our nation.

Submit your name for tefila, and to be matched with another yid who will daven for you as you daven for them.

May this Purim be the start of overflowing yeshuos, of tefillos answered and of brachos fulfilled.


Total participants


Total partnerships

Find Your Partner

Your tefilah partner will see this information


  • Partner: -
  • Tehillim name -
  • Personal info -
  • Misloach Manos (optional): -

Tehillim Name

Please submit a new form for each name

Tehillim Name

Please submit a new form for each name


  • Partner: -
  • Tehillim name -
  • Personal info -
  • Misloach Manos (optional): -

Personal information

Will not be shared with your partner


  • Partner: -
  • Tehillim name -
  • Personal info -
  • Misloach Manos (optional): -

Would you like to send "Mishlaoch Manos" to your partner?

Bonei Olam will be funding infertility treatments for 12 additional couples this Purim. By making a donation towards this campaign, your partner will receive a email on Purim morning that you have donated on their behalf. As a extra zchus of doing for others, may Hashem answer your request speedily.

  • $

Payment info

Billing address

Billing address

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  • Partner: -
  • Tehillim name -
  • Personal info -
  • Misloach Manos (optional): -