כל המתפלל בעד חבירו הוא נענה תחילה

Sign up to daven for yourself or for someone you close to you

Aseres Ymei Teshuva

In the week leading up to Yom Kippur, we beseech the Kisei Hakavod, davening for a Gmar Chasima Tova. We carry our personal bakoshos, whether for children, shidduchim, parnassa, or Nachas. The Bonei Olam "Shel’asi" program harnesses the powerful zchus of כל המתפלל בעד חבירו הוא נענה תחילה, that when one davens for another, they are answered first. 

By participating in this program, you will be paired up with another Yid who shares your need for the same Yeshuah, allowing you to daven for each other throughout Aseres Ymei Teshuva and Yom Kippur .

Sign up to daven for yourself or for someone you close to you

You will receive a reminder every day this week to daven for your tefillah partner

All participant names will be submitted for the Tefillah at Harav Shimon Galai Shlit”a at Neilah on Yom Kippur.


Total participants


Total partnerships